Order Description
Discussion #2: Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors. . Describe why you selected this model or theory. Identify how this model or theory will be used with promoting healthy behaviors.
Discussion Posts Grading Rubric Guidelines:
Your participation in discussions is how you “participate” in class. It is important that you post thoughtful messages that help move the conversation forward in some way.
Your posts should demonstrate that you have read the material in the text as well as your group and/or partner’s posts and have applied all of that to the question at hand. You should do more than merely repeat-back what the text says; you should engage with the material by analyzing and interpreting it. Your posts should be grammatically correct and crafted with care. Your post should also contain at least one reference that backs up your point of view. The reference can be from your textbook or from a referred journal.
Respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings. I encourage you to check back to see their response and respond to them. It is important to engage in a discussion based on the postings. I would like for you to go beyond the mere numerical limits of the assignment and begin to “chat” with each other in a discussion as if you were in a classroom setting. Ask follow-up questions, make comments, and encourage one another.
Class discussion is an important and significant part of an online course.
Grading rubrics
To earn the full 5 points:
• 1 point: Postings are completed on time and you have responded to three students.
• 1 point: Discussion is complete, thoughtful, and offers new ideas and is supported by referenced material (minimum of one reference, i.e. textbook or from an article in a referred journal.)
• 1 point: Posting content encourages further discussion on the topic or follows up on others’ thoughts. Posts are respectful and courteous.
• 1 point: Postings are characterized by originality, engagement, and relevance to the topic.
• 1 point: Postings demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and familiarity with the ideas of the student’s partner and group members (in other words, it’s obvious that you’ve read and understood both the required reading assigned and what your peers have written in their postings).
Above is example of a student discussion please don’t copy just example
Model to Promote Healthy Behavior
There are several models that can be incorporated into promoting healthy behavior. However, quality improvement models which are blueprints for promoting healthy behaviors is the model I picked and the Plan-Do-Study-Act model is my choice of all quality improvement model. I believe that for a model to be effectively used to promote healthy behaviors, it must be planned and tested. For example, one might integrate a model for smoking cessation which might include smoking cessation teaching and assume that when people know the effects of cigarette, they will quit smoking but that is not necessarily true. There might be other factors that prevent them from smoking cessation. The Plan-Do-Study-Act model was picked because it evaluates changes in process and outcomes (Langley, et al, 2011). The idea behind the PDSA model is that it establishes a causal relationship with 3 questions before being incorporated as the model to drive healthy behaviors. What is the goal? How will it be known if the goal has been achieved and what measures have been set out to help patients achieve this goal (National Healthcare Quality report, 2008). For example, using this model to address the problem of tobacco abuse, the model starts with measuring the scope of the abuse (how much the patient smokes? what time of the day? Why the patient smokes? How is it affecting the patient and family? Does the patient have a sedentary lifestyle or not?). Then the model promotes enacting measures that can be done, then specific changes are picked to suit the individual patient such as, smoking half a cigarette a day instead of 1 or going to exercise when the patient has the cravings to smoke. The final step and the most important one is establishing a way to measure improvement of the behavior such as measuring how much less the patient smokes, to determine if the model is effective or not. In this model, planning and evaluation is key and I am a strong believer of the saying “failure to plan is a plan to fail”.
Langley, J. G., Nolan, K. M., Nolan, T. W., et al. (2011).The Improvement Guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance. New York, New York: Jossey- Bass Publishing.
National Healthcare Quality Report (2008). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Rockville, Maryland: Retreived from http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/nhqr06/nhqr06.htm
Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors.

Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors.

Order Description
Discussion #2: Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors. . Describe why you selected this model or theory. Identify how this model or theory will be used with promoting healthy behaviors.
Discussion Posts Grading Rubric Guidelines:
Your participation in discussions is how you “participate” in class. It is important that you post thoughtful messages that help move the conversation forward in some way.
Your posts should demonstrate that you have read the material in the text as well as your group and/or partner’s posts and have applied all of that to the question at hand. You should do more than merely repeat-back what the text says; you should engage with the material by analyzing and interpreting it. Your posts should be grammatically correct and crafted with care. Your post should also contain at least one reference that backs up your point of view. The reference can be from your textbook or from a referred journal.
Respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings. I encourage you to check back to see their response and respond to them. It is important to engage in a discussion based on the postings. I would like for you to go beyond the mere numerical limits of the assignment and begin to “chat” with each other in a discussion as if you were in a classroom setting. Ask follow-up questions, make comments, and encourage one another.
Class discussion is an important and significant part of an online course.
Grading rubrics
To earn the full 5 points:
• 1 point: Postings are completed on time and you have responded to three students.
• 1 point: Discussion is complete, thoughtful, and offers new ideas and is supported by referenced material (minimum of one reference, i.e. textbook or from an article in a referred journal.)
• 1 point: Posting content encourages further discussion on the topic or follows up on others’ thoughts. Posts are respectful and courteous.
• 1 point: Postings are characterized by originality, engagement, and relevance to the topic.
• 1 point: Postings demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and familiarity with the ideas of the student’s partner and group members (in other words, it’s obvious that you’ve read and understood both the required reading assigned and what your peers have written in their postings).
Above is example of a student discussion please don’t copy just example
Model to Promote Healthy Behavior
There are several models that can be incorporated into promoting healthy behavior. However, quality improvement models which are blueprints for promoting healthy behaviors is the model I picked and the Plan-Do-Study-Act model is my choice of all quality improvement model. I believe that for a model to be effectively used to promote healthy behaviors, it must be planned and tested. For example, one might integrate a model for smoking cessation which might include smoking cessation teaching and assume that when people know the effects of cigarette, they will quit smoking but that is not necessarily true. There might be other factors that prevent them from smoking cessation. The Plan-Do-Study-Act model was picked because it evaluates changes in process and outcomes (Langley, et al, 2011). The idea behind the PDSA model is that it establishes a causal relationship with 3 questions before being incorporated as the model to drive healthy behaviors. What is the goal? How will it be known if the goal has been achieved and what measures have been set out to help patients achieve this goal (National Healthcare Quality report, 2008). For example, using this model to address the problem of tobacco abuse, the model starts with measuring the scope of the abuse (how much the patient smokes? what time of the day? Why the patient smokes? How is it affecting the patient and family? Does the patient have a sedentary lifestyle or not?). Then the model promotes enacting measures that can be done, then specific changes are picked to suit the individual patient such as, smoking half a cigarette a day instead of 1 or going to exercise when the patient has the cravings to smoke. The final step and the most important one is establishing a way to measure improvement of the behavior such as measuring how much less the patient smokes, to determine if the model is effective or not. In this model, planning and evaluation is key and I am a strong believer of the saying “failure to plan is a plan to fail”.
Langley, J. G., Nolan, K. M., Nolan, T. W., et al. (2011).The Improvement Guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance. New York, New York: Jossey- Bass Publishing.
National Healthcare Quality Report (2008). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Rockville, Maryland: Retreived from http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/nhqr06/nhqr06.htm
Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors.

Order Description
Discussion #2: Identify a model or a theory that you would like to use to promote healthy behaviors. . Describe why you selected this model or theory. Identify how this model or theory will be used with promoting healthy behaviors.
Discussion Posts Grading Rubric Guidelines:
Your participation in discussions is how you “participate” in class. It is important that you post thoughtful messages that help move the conversation forward in some way.
Your posts should demonstrate that you have read the material in the text as well as your group and/or partner’s posts and have applied all of that to the question at hand. You should do more than merely repeat-back what the text says; you should engage with the material by analyzing and interpreting it. Your posts should be grammatically correct and crafted with care. Your post should also contain at least one reference that backs up your point of view. The reference can be from your textbook or from a referred journal.
Respond to at least three of your classmates’ postings. I encourage you to check back to see their response and respond to them. It is important to engage in a discussion based on the postings. I would like for you to go beyond the mere numerical limits of the assignment and begin to “chat” with each other in a discussion as if you were in a classroom setting. Ask follow-up questions, make comments, and encourage one another.
Class discussion is an important and significant part of an online course.
Grading rubrics
To earn the full 5 points:
• 1 point: Postings are completed on time and you have responded to three students.
• 1 point: Discussion is complete, thoughtful, and offers new ideas and is supported by referenced material (minimum of one reference, i.e. textbook or from an article in a referred journal.)
• 1 point: Posting content encourages further discussion on the topic or follows up on others’ thoughts. Posts are respectful and courteous.
• 1 point: Postings are characterized by originality, engagement, and relevance to the topic.
• 1 point: Postings demonstrate an understanding of the material assigned and familiarity with the ideas of the student’s partner and group members (in other words, it’s obvious that you’ve read and understood both the required reading assigned and what your peers have written in their postings).
Above is example of a student discussion please don’t copy just example
Model to Promote Healthy Behavior
There are several models that can be incorporated into promoting healthy behavior. However, quality improvement models which are blueprints for promoting healthy behaviors is the model I picked and the Plan-Do-Study-Act model is my choice of all quality improvement model. I believe that for a model to be effectively used to promote healthy behaviors, it must be planned and tested. For example, one might integrate a model for smoking cessation which might include smoking cessation teaching and assume that when people know the effects of cigarette, they will quit smoking but that is not necessarily true. There might be other factors that prevent them from smoking cessation. The Plan-Do-Study-Act model was picked because it evaluates changes in process and outcomes (Langley, et al, 2011). The idea behind the PDSA model is that it establishes a causal relationship with 3 questions before being incorporated as the model to drive healthy behaviors. What is the goal? How will it be known if the goal has been achieved and what measures have been set out to help patients achieve this goal (National Healthcare Quality report, 2008). For example, using this model to address the problem of tobacco abuse, the model starts with measuring the scope of the abuse (how much the patient smokes? what time of the day? Why the patient smokes? How is it affecting the patient and family? Does the patient have a sedentary lifestyle or not?). Then the model promotes enacting measures that can be done, then specific changes are picked to suit the individual patient such as, smoking half a cigarette a day instead of 1 or going to exercise when the patient has the cravings to smoke. The final step and the most important one is establishing a way to measure improvement of the behavior such as measuring how much less the patient smokes, to determine if the model is effective or not. In this model, planning and evaluation is key and I am a strong believer of the saying “failure to plan is a plan to fail”.
Langley, J. G., Nolan, K. M., Nolan, T. W., et al. (2011).The Improvement Guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance. New York, New York: Jossey- Bass Publishing.
National Healthcare Quality Report (2008). Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Rockville, Maryland: Retreived from http://www.ahrq.gov/qual/nhqr06/nhqr06.htm